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I am Rollo Tomassee..
Elite Member
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Ive decided to make a journal myself.

My workouts are now different from my usual routine due to people constantly crying about me doing bodybuilding workouts which is broadly disapproved of in this site. In any case, there as a need for a change.


Incline DB press
Warm up:
60lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
70lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
80lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
(warm up completed)
100lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

DB overhead shoulder press
70lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
75lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
80lbs for 1 set, 10 reps

DB flat flies
50lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Bent over DB rows on bench
50lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
55lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
60lbs for 1 set, 12 reps

Skull Crushers
60lb bar for 12 reps
80lb bar for 10 reps

80lbs for 10 reps
100lbs for 10 reps

No stretching or cardio today cuz of time.

As you can see the reps are kinda high. This is due to the fact that I am going to TRY to do a push workout twice a week. The next one will have lower reps, higher intensity.

The incline press was fairly heavy however, at least, for the reps used. Not sure if adjustment is to be made for this on these light days. Nice workout.
The overhead DB press changes. I sometimes do BB standing, seated, smith, etc. What I want to do is DB standing and DB seated on a ball, but that wont be until another light day.
The flies were good to go. Pretty heavy for a light day, but not bad.
This bent over row workout is hard to describe. Is basically a pull, but I wanted to work the posterior deltoid and do something new. Not sure if I want to do this again. If I do, the weight and reps will be adjusted cuz this wasnt good. (FORGOT ABOUT THE MIDDLE DELTOIDS. god dammit)
This is the first time I put skull crushers in these push/pull/leg workouts. Going to have to go heavier next time.
Pushdowns are going to have to be heavier as well.

All in all, it was an ok day. Until more time is put into it, it wont be perfect. But it MAY mesh well after a HEAVY day. Well see.
Pull day

Lat pull downs
100lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
120lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
(That was a warm up)

Wide grip Pullups
3 sets of 10

Barbell Bent over row, palms facing down
155lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
185lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
205lbs for 1 set, 10 reps

1 set of 10
1 set of 10
1 set of 9 (failed)

Hammer strength row, unilateral, neutral grip
2 plates for each arm, 12 reps
2plates and a 25 for each arm 2 sets, for 10 reps

Behind the Neck barbell shrug
185lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
225lbs for 2 set, 10 reps

Preacher curl with a 30lb dumbell, one arm atta time
30lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
30lbs for 1 set, 10 reps (failed at 8, forced last two)


Treadmill for 15 mins
Elliptical for the remaining 15

Today was pretty good. I decided to warm up with the pulldown machine rather than warming up with pullups. In any case, the pullup are usually weighted, but I wanted to go pretty wide and maintain that full range of motion.
The barbell rows could of been heavier, but I really concentrated on full ROM once again, and lowered the weight to get that burn.
The chinups placement is usually at the beginning of a pull day, but I said what the hell and put them in the middle. I was pretty burnt already as these are usually weighted too.
The hammer strength was ok. Didnt really feel shit this time though.
The shrugs were HORRIBLE. I always do them in the smith machine and I will now so from here on. The barbell was hitting my ass to prevent the full range of motion and when I put it to the front (which I only did for like 5 reps), it felt unnatural. Fuck this workout.
I swallowed my pride along with heavy weight and did 30s. And what do ya know, I failed to do 10 on the last sets. I clenched harder than usual at the top of each rep.
AKIRA said:
Lat pull downs
100lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
120lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
(That was a warm up)

Wide grip Pullups
3 sets of 10

Barbell Bent over row, palms facing down
155lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
185lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
205lbs for 1 set, 10 reps

1 set of 10
1 set of 10
1 set of 9 (failed)

Hammer strength row, unilateral, neutral grip
2 plates for each arm, 12 reps
2plates and a 25 for each arm 2 sets, for 10 reps

Behind the Neck barbell shrug
185lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
225lbs for 2 set, 10 reps

Preacher curl with a 30lb dumbell, one arm atta time
30lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
30lbs for 1 set, 10 reps (failed at 8, forced last two)


Treadmill for 15 mins
Elliptical for the remaining 15

Today was pretty good. I decided to warm up with the pulldown machine rather than warming up with pullups. In any case, the pullup are usually weighted, but I wanted to go pretty wide and maintain that full range of motion.
The barbell rows could of been heavier, but I really concentrated on full ROM once again, and lowered the weight to get that burn.
The chinups placement is usually at the beginning of a pull day, but I said what the hell and put them in the middle. I was pretty burnt already as these are usually weighted too.
The hammer strength was ok. Didnt really feel shit this time though.
The shrugs were HORRIBLE. I always do them in the smith machine and I will now so from here on. The barbell was hitting my ass to prevent the full range of motion and when I put it to the front (which I only did for like 5 reps), it felt unnatural. Fuck this workout.
I swallowed my pride along with heavy weight and did 30s. And what do ya know, I failed to do 10 on the last sets. I clenched harder than usual at the top of each rep.

For some reason, the EDIT button disappears after a day or two from first posting. Odd..

Anyway, I wanted to add my Pinch Grip workouts
1 45lb plate each hand, 4 sets 15s, 15s, 10s, 6s....pretty bad.
Leg day

..or Hip day. I dont understand the "hip" term.

(warm up)
185lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps
225lbs for 1 set, 10reps
(warm up done)
275lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps
315lbs for 1 set, 6 reps
225lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Deadlifts (not stiff-legged, alternated grip and swtiched every set)
135lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps
185lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
225lbs for 1 set, 8 reps

Hamstring curl machine
130lbs for 3 sets, 12 reps

Leg Press machine, unilaterally (one leg at a time)
3 plates and a 25lb for 3 sets, 12 reps (each leg)

Static Streched Quads for 15 sec each

Smith Machine assisted Calf Raises
1 plate on each side for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up)
2 plates on each side for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up done)
2 plates and a 25 on each side for 1 set, 10 reps
2 plates and a 35 on each side for 2 set, 8 reps

Seated Calf Machine (unilaterally)
1 plate on one side, 8 reps (failed)
1 25lb on one side for 3 sets, 12 reps (each leg)

Static Streched, Gastoc, Sol, Erector, Ham

Today looks confusing I am sure.
The Squats were begun with a belt. I have been having some back pain and I wanted to be EXTREMELY careful, so I started light. When I was finished with 315, I noticed I was getting a burning sensation where my legs meet my hips...exactly where the bottom lip of my belt was. I lowered the weight and it was still there, tookt he belt off and threw in another set, burning was 75% gone.
The Deadlifts were confusing as well. First off, I discovered my grip strength SUCKS from the previous day, so I didnt use straps. Also, my back was disturbing me so I HAD to go light. But then I wondered which type of deadlift would hurt more. So I tried stiff legged first, NOT the right one! So I did the 'bended knee' one, i think its called Russian Deadlift. Light cuz of pain and grip.
Hamstring machine is as basic as it gets.
The leg press machine has individual leg presses. Hence, the opportunity to do 1 leg atta time. Took a while to find the appropriate weight for 12 reps.
The smith machine is AWESOME for calf raises. You use a pad for ur back (optional), a block or stepper for your feet, and wha-la! Took me a while to find appropriate weight. My calves arent the best, so the intesity went up.
I decided to try doing seated 1 leg atta time. Not sure if I liked it.

Thank goodness for stretches. My back was very sore. Not exactly what I was aiming for today, but I am sure the Deads had something to contribte it.

Oh yea, I have MuscleMilk almost after every workout. Half of one before too.
Are you the same akira with the 315 x10, 405x1, 415x1 raw bench video from another board? If so, your friggin strong bro!
Back to Push

Hammer Strength Chest Press
warm up
1 plate on each side for sets, 15reps
warm up completed
2 plates on each side for 3 sets, 12 reps

Standing DumbBell Press
45lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Push up on Stability Ball
4 sets or however many reps I could achieve (maybe 15 total)

One Arm Scaption
25lbs for 3 sets, 12 reps (each arm)

Close ?Grip? Push up
1 set for 22 reps
1 set for 20 reps
1 set for 14 reps (failed at 15)

20min on cycle

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Todays workout was the first time I did some things and....damn.
Hammer Strength was no biggie. Typical shit for a light push day.
This was the FIRST time doing DB press standing up and wow. My strength was divided almost in half. Much harder than standing BB press, which does confuse me, but then again this might be something Ill rocket through as it did the first few times I did flat DB press.
Now this, heh, THIS was the hardest one of the day. Push ups on a stability ball...has anyone tried this? I mean really tried to do this as a workout? I was out of breath sometimes after 5 reps. VERY HARD. The damn ball kept wobbling around. Very good stabilizer workout. My triceps were getting fried too.
One arm scaptions were a rookie in my program, not the first time Ive done them though. Just tried to blend front/side raises really, but I felt it along my whole arm, oddly enough. It was a good one though. Not sure Id change anything.
The regular push ups, but with my hands closer were a nice change of pace. Got fatigued rather quickly. Havent done these in years, so it was nice to do a 'new' workout without feeling pain or feeling uncomfortable.

MuscleMilk is being devoured now.
Pull day-light

Hammer Strength Iso-High Pull Both arms
1 plate and a 25lb on each side for 2 sets, 15 reps (warm up)
2 plates for 3 sets, 12 reps

Hammer Strength Iso Pulldown (both arms, close grip I think)
1 plates and a 10lb for 1 set, 12 reps
1 plate and a 25lb for 1 set, 12 reps
2 plates for 1 set, 12 reps

Smith Machine Shrug from behind
2 plates for 2 sets, 10 reps

Cable row, one arm
80lbs for 3 sets, 12 reps

Barbell curl
65lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Zottman Curls
25lb dumbells for 1 set, 8 reps
20lb dumbells for 2 sets, 8 reps

2 sets of 20 reps
1 set of 6 reps

Pinch Grip
1 plate in each hand for as long as I could, 2 sets

Precision Protein Drink

I decided to do Hammer Strength machines in the beginning today and they felt great. I mean both 2 first excercises were very nice. Good stretch on each pull (which I find more important on back workouts than any other). These machines are damn good for back.
I threw in shrugs in the MIDDLE this time for some variation. I woulda done another set, but I didnt know if it would effect the next workouts as this was a light day.
The one arm cable rows sucked. Wont do these again.
The barbell curls were pretty good. I went in a full rang eof motion for each rep and clenched hard up top. Felt weird losing steam with such light weight. Doing back does in fact, use your biceps to a great deal without using direct bicep movement.
Zottman Curls always fuck me. I always end up having to go lighter due to the extreme burns. Love em.
The crunches I did cuz, well, fuck it. But the 3rd set I got an EXTREME cramp in the center of the abs. Never felt this before. I had to stop immediately and stretch.
Pinch Grip I threw in cuz my grip is horrible.

Other than that good light day. My back responds well to lighter weight. DAMN! Forgot back extensions....
Push Day (heavy)

Body Weight for 2 sets, 12 reps (warm up)
1 plate for 1 set, 9 reps
2 plates for 1 set, 7 reps
3 plates for 4 sets, 4 reps

Overhead Barbell Press
135lbs for 1 set, 4 reps
155lbs for 4 sets, 4 reps

Decline Dumbell Flies
50lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
55lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
60lbs for 1 set, 10 reps

Unilateral cable side raises AND across the body pulls
35lbs for across the body and 40lbs for side raises for 10 reps each, 1 set
40lbs for across the body and 45lbs for side raises for 10 reps each, 2 sets

Close grip bench
185lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Rope pushdown
80lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps

15 min on eliptical
15 min on treadmill

Half Isopure Half Muscle milk with water.

Ok today seems a bit much but it was only cuz I had to hunt for the 4x4 workout set. The 4x4 was Dale's advice I had gotten maybe 3 weeks ago now from another thread.

The Dips were fine. I jsut had to find a suitable weight that I could do for 4 sets with 4 reps each. I obviously got a lil fatigued finding that weight. The exercise was with my chest more parallel to the fround for more chest recruitment. I chose to do this workout FIRST cuz, well Ive never done it first for one, plus some shit I read on here saying it can stimulate the chest more so than a bench press. Whether thats true or not, I wanted a compound workout done first.
The shoulder press was another "find the weight" for the 4x4 volume. This workout is harder than you think if you always do shoulder presses seated. You can feel some core muscles working overtime to keep you erect during the movement, thus, more calories are burned. Anyway, next time I will go up 2.5lbs on each side.
Decline flies was fine. Just had to hunt for sufficient weight again. 60lbs shoulda been the 3 sets.

Now the next workout I will start a new paragraph for.

Go basically go to a cable machine with 2 pulleys on opposite sides (every gym pretty much has this damn thing) Anyway, you put one pulley to the bottom for the side raises we all know of, but the opposite pulley goes just a TAD below your shoulder. Anyway, lets say you use your right hand to pick up the lower pulley. You face the mirror, wall, or empty space. You dont do a side raise just yet, instead you take your left hand and grab the shoulder-heightened pulley. Stand in the middle. I started with the shoulder-height pulley first. You stretch your arm straight across your chest with a slgiht bend in the elbow. Return, then do a side raise as normal. Anyway, when 10 reps is done, turn around and do it again. Your arms will be reveresed and the weight will be the same for the workout angles. This workout does the lateral part (i think its called lateral, but its the middle) of the deltoid and the usually negleted posterior part of the deltoid. Good shit.

The close grip bench was a switch, but not by much. Just wanted some horizontal movement and that was sufficient. Good weight for the reps.
The rope pushdown was as good as it gets.
IML Gear Cream!
Pull day-heavy

Bent over Barbell Rows, palms facing down
135lbs for 1 set, 15 reps
155lbs for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up completed)
225lbs for 1 set, 6 reps
245lbs for 1 set, 6 reps
265lbs for 2 sets, 4 reps

Weighted Wide Grip Pullups
1 plate for 4 sets, 4 reps

Weighted Chin ups, palms facing me
1 25lb plate for 2 sets, 8 reps
1 25lb plate for 1 set, 7 reps (failed)

Hammer Strength Row, neutral grip, one arm at a time
3 plates for 3 sets, 9 reps each arm

Dumbell Shrugs
110lbs for 2 sets, 8 reps

Alternating, standing Dumbell twist curl
40lbs for 1 set, 8 reps
50lbs for 1 set, 8 reps

Preacher Dumbell hammer curl, 1 arm at a time
30lbs for 2 sets, 8 reps

5 eggs, 4 slices of toast, 2 cups of 2%milk

Today sucked.

I was trying to incorporate a 4x4 volume for the first two movements, but it took forever to find a reasonable weight, thus fatiguing my arms.
Weighted pullups coulda been heavier for the low reps. I thought theyd get harder around the 3 set and they did, but not by much, even with a full range. All the way up, all the way down
Weighted chin ups are always good. No fussing around here. FULL RANGE OF MOTION. Only way to go.
I always love the Hammer Strength Row and Ill got with 4 plates next time.
Shrugs are as boring as it gets. Coulda done heavier, buuuut I dont know if Ill do them again come the next push day (i know I know push, not pull)
I forget what this stapled dumbell curl is called. You twist your arm up to a regular curl at the top. I am sure everyone has done countless sets of these. Anyway, 40lbs was too easy, so I went up but for only 1 set.
Preacher hammer curls were NICE. FULL RANGE OF MOTION. I actually felt the BICEP burning rather than the brachilias (sp?) first as everyone does. I think I owe that to a full ROM. Which also leads me to believe that it was never done perfectly in my workouts before....consistently that is.

But all in all, yeah today sucked. I am up for suggestions here. To be honest though, my back always responds better to light weight/high reps. Even though I can move heavier weight with nice form, I still never feel it. Its actually an un-satisfying feeling when I begin to fatigue during a heavy back movement. No burning.
Do you ever do Bent Over DB rows? I alternate between the 2 but I prefer the DB's because of the ROM. I like how far you can bring them back as well, I can feel the contraction of the muscle when I do them, which I usually dont when I do barbells.
Leg Day

Barbell Squats
135lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
185lbs for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up completed)
310lbs for 4 sets, 4 reps

Sumo Deadlifts
225lbs for 1 set, 4 reps
265lbs for 3 sets, 4 reps

Leg Press
4 plates on each side for 3 sets, 10 reps

Hamstring Curl
140lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Calf press(?)
200lbs for 3 sets, 12 reps

Seated Calf
2 plates and 1 10lb for 3 sets, 12 reps

Treadmill for 15min
Cycle for 11min

Well today was pretty nice.
Squats will HAVE to go up. Until they do though, this volume routine is awesome. Talk about starting fresh too. 2 warmups then BLAM! Right into the fucking fire.
Sumo deadlifts were a switch and I had to find the weight again since Ive never maxed out on sumos AND my back is still touchy. Not bad though.
The leg press was setup with my legs as high as I can go safely for more quad recruitment. Too easy.
Hamstring curls were good. Nothing to add.
The calf press thing was seated. Two pads to press with my feet, straight legged. Eh. I had to use this since the fucking smith machines were taken up.
Seated Calfs were pretty good.
FatCatMC said:
Do you ever do Bent Over DB rows? I alternate between the 2 but I prefer the DB's because of the ROM. I like how far you can bring them back as well, I can feel the contraction of the muscle when I do them, which I usually dont when I do barbells.

Ill re-incorporate them again soon. i am getting bored with back and its fucking pulls.

I quit DB rows years ago cuz I never could find the gray area. Meaning, light weight high reps OR heavy weight low reps...never discovered what was a good burn.
Pull day (heavy)

YES YES I know, I have skipped some days. Thats due to alcohol poisoning PLUS lousy hours the gym is available on weekends. So...

Bent over BB row
155lbs for 2 sets, 15 reps (warm up done)
265lbs for 4 sets, 4 reps

Weighted chin up
1 plate for 4 sets, 4-5 reps

Lat pulldown
140lbs for 1 set, 10reps
150lbs for 2 sets, 10reps

Unilateral bent over cable row
110lbs for 1 set, 10 reps each hand
130lbs for 1 set, 10 reps each hand
140lbs for 1 set, 10 reps each hand

2 sets of 10 reps, bodyweight

Smith Machine Shrugs
2 sets of 245lbs, 10 reps

Preacher curl
1 set of ...25lbs on each side, close grip, 10 reps
1 set of same wieght, wide grip 10 reps

Escentic hammer curls on a incline bench
45lbs for 6 reps, each hand
40lbs for 8 reps, each hand


Today was JUST ok. I am sorry, but this 4x4 volume shit just doesnt work for my back. I get zero enjoyment out of this shit as I would with push days. So I am flushing the 4x4 workout for pulls from now on.

Barbell rows were done with a supine grip (palms up) which I like more so than a prone grip. Anyway, I knew what my max was with proper form from the last pull day. Once again, I need MORE reps to feel anything. I mean, I could do more weight, but form would suffer, but these reps fucking SUCK.
I then decided to do weighted chinups FIRST this time. I went up in weight and I beleive I did 5 the first 3 sets then 4 on the last one. These were better than the rows, but still not as good as with more reps.
Lat pulldowns were with a maximum wide grip. These were always hard for me. I mean, the weight selected sucks. I weigh around 220lbs and 160lbs kicks my ass? I dont get it. Anyway, with the reps back, this was more effective due to the full stretch at the end of each movement.
I havent done a one arm cable row in forever. I now remember why. They just arent that good. I am sure they would be given a proper stance, but that was hard to find, along with sufficient weight. This will be replaced next time.
I havent done hyperextensions is FOREVER and wow. I felt like I did a few sets of deadlifts. I will do these again.
Smith machine shrugs were same as always. Went up 20lbs and up 2 reps.
I used to rule on preacher curls. But after I started doing standing BB curls years ago, my funny bone now snaps when I do preachers...so Ive shyed away. Well, today, no more funny bone snapping. I switched grips on both sets just for variety.
Now these I SWEAR by. Controlling the negative(eccentric) of a preacher dumbell in one hand? Oh fuck you. They are so hard and are the surest path to the burn as gohneria(sp?). You can use a weight heavier than usual. Put it in one hand, lean over a preacher or an incline bench(as i did today), then control the weight down as slow as possible. Once youre down use youre other hand for the concentric or use the remaining arm's strength to bring it up and repeat until you do need to use your other arm.

Oh yea, 13min of cardio. Yay.
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I saw a few sessions ago on pull day you were praising the hammer strength machines for back. I happen to agree. I recently re-incorporated the high pulls in my back routine, and it's the only exerscise I do on back day that I feel an immediate pump with. I also like the t-bar as well, do you ever do those?
FatCatMC said:
I saw a few sessions ago on pull day you were praising the hammer strength machines for back. I happen to agree. I recently re-incorporated the high pulls in my back routine, and it's the only exerscise I do on back day that I feel an immediate pump with. I also like the t-bar as well, do you ever do those?

Yeah the Hammer Strength's strengths are in the back exercises. Everyone on here mostly agrees that they are very good at pulls and rows. The others have problems. For instance, every chest workout starts with a concentric movement rather than an eccentric, like a flat bench press. Also, the shoulder machines, the pad you lay against, seem a bit too far back. Of course, adding a pad to this should solve any problems.

The T-bar will be incorporated next pull day.
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Push Day

Flat Barbell Press
185lbs 2 sets, 12 reps (warm up completed)
295lbs for 4 sets, 4 reps

Seated Dumbell Press
85lbs for 1 set, 5 reps
90lbs for 1 set, 5 reps
95lbs for 2 sets, 4 reps

Flat Dumbell Press
100lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Bent over Dumbell raise, one arm each
25lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Tricep Extension (overhead)
70lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
80lbs for 1 set, 10 reps

Rope Pushdown with twist at the end
85lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Cardio for 24 min on eliptical

Today was disappointing.

I decided to look back in on my Barbell press. 295lbs was hard?! I completed the rep scheme just jesus. Maybe it was cuz of the malnutrition this past weekend...but its Wednesday.
The Seated dumbell shit was another shot in the dark. I figured since my bench was hard, this would suffer. Apparently not. Ill go heavier next time...actually next time, Ill do shoulders FIRST. Yeah I said it.
The flat dumbell press was called in to help my esteem from the BB bench. This exercise was hard actually and 10 reps was perfect. But I did it.
I decided to only do one workout for the posterior head rather than doing the posterior AND lateral head. Anyway, I bent over a incline bench and raised away. I used to do this with two arms, but this way you can focus on form. Helluva burn.
Tricep extension is what I THINK its called. You take a curl bar, weighted or auto-weighted, and while standing, press the weight overhead. Each time returning the weight to behind your head. Anyway, I was a bit strong on this. Gotta go up from 80lbs.
Rope Pushdowns were as good as they get.

I know its only been a short while, but my bench really pissed me off. I hope this shit improves. Ill go up 5lbs next week to 300lbs. I guess I shouldnt be so hard on myself since I did 16 reps in total of 295lbs, but there were also 4 rests. 2-3min each.
I noticed that when people do raises whether they be lateral, front, or bent over, everyone seems to use different form. Some people keep their elbows at 90 degrees, some people keep them closer to locked out. I tend to keep my elbows closer to locked out, palms facing the floor at contraction, I feel the best burn this way. In your opinion, is one way better than the other, or is one way just flat out wrong?
FatCatMC said:
I noticed that when people do raises whether they be lateral, front, or bent over, everyone seems to use different form. Some people keep their elbows at 90 degrees, some people keep them closer to locked out. I tend to keep my elbows closer to locked out, palms facing the floor at contraction, I feel the best burn this way. In your opinion, is one way better than the other, or is one way just flat out wrong?

It should be a 'slight' bend. The 90 degree bent elbow form is garbage. Reason its used is that its closer to your center of gravity, thus making it EASIER. It can help people get used tot he movement, but why not use the best form with the lightest weight thats needed to complete the movement correctly?
IML Gear Cream!
Leg Day

Barbell Squat
185lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps (warm up done)
315lbs for 4 sets, 4 reps

Sumo Deadlift
275lbs for 4 sets, 4 reps

Hamstring curl
130lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Leg Extension
100lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
105lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Static stretched Quads, Hams, lower back

Seated Calf
1 plate on each side for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up done)
1 plate and a 25 on each side for 2 sets, 10 reps

Unilateral Standing calf
50lbs for 1 set, 6 reps each leg
40lbs for 1 set, 8 reps each leg
30lbs for 1 set, each leg

Nothing makes you feel powerful than squatting. I swear, its much more explosive than a bench AND you can do much more...usually.

My squats are only 5lbs up from last leg day. I can do more, but the 4x4 volume scheme is done for now.
Sumo Deadlifts were a bit tough, made me nervous. Ill go back to normal deadlifts, but good lift nonetheless.
I went right into another hamstring movement just to switch things up and shits and giggles. Good burn. I liked this setup.
Leg extensions I am not a fan of. They feel good on the quads, but still, I dont know, hard to say. So I kept it light.
Had to stretch out some pain....errrrrrrrRRRRRR UGH. Done.
Decided to switch to a seated calf first this time. Not sure if its good weight, but Ill go up slightly next time. I love doing calfs as they are one of the worst body parts on me.
Standing calf was one leg atta time on any standing calf. Its kinda remarkable how much you lose strength from being on one leg. It also kinda makes you wonder, when both legs are being used, what else is being used cuz I can rack that fucking machine, but I couldnt do half from using one leg???
Holy shit I forgot.
PULL DAY (light, yesterday)

?Y?-bar seated row
1 plate for 1 set, 12 reps
1 plate and a 25 for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up done)
2 plates and two 10s for 4 sets, 12 reps

Standing T-bar row
1 plate and a 25 for 4 sets, 12 reps

Hammer Strength pull down, widest grip it would allow
1 plate and a 25 for 4 sets, 12 reps

Same machine, neutral grip
Same weight for 4 sets, 10 reps

Cable Shrugs
150lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps

Cable curl into a shrug
90lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Unilateral cable curl, 1 arm each
30lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps each hand

Hold a 45lb plate in each hand, minus the pinky (Grip Strength)
3 sets of 20 sec+

Everything is high and thats cuz of the light day PLUS the shitty pull day I had earlier in the week.

The first row is what I thought as the T-bar, but the 2nd one looks more like it than the first. Anyway you sit down and pull the shit to you and its perfectly straight across your uper chest. ANyway, I kinda liked this. Good ROM due to the light weight. AND I was able to focus on the muscles being contracted.
The second row was a bit different. Its basically a high row. I was a little too light on this cuz even though I was focusing on form and full ROM, I still hardly got a burn. Weight has to go up.
The pulldown machine, I think everyone is a fan of. Good stretch on each rep. This machine and weight was so good I stuck with it for the next exercise but only changing the grip. Slightly different angle, but perfect for a light day.
I decided to do cable shrugs cuz my fucking father was with his disgusting wife who might as well be a man, by the dumbells, barbells, and smith machine. Anyway, this shit sucks basically. I racked the machine and had to slow my movements down just to feel a tad burn.
The curls were done on this shit too, but I did a shrug before every curl. Not a bad idea to cut time, but the weight was good for the curls, not the shrugs, but thats ok.
I decided to just run with the cables as far as curling went. Not bad, but kinda boring. One arm at a time was nice, but I wanted to do something along the lines of a hammer, but Ill save that for a heavy pull day.
Grip strength seems to be going up since I am holding weights alot longer. I wonder if this is normal...
Push Day

Incline Barbell Bench
155lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps (warm up completed)
245lbs for 2 sets, 8 reps
245lbs for 1 set, 6 reps (next 2reps were spotted)

Standing Dumbell overhead press
45lbs for 2 sets, 9 reps
45lbs for 1 set, 8 reps (failed)

Flat Dumbell Fly
45lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Posterior deltoid cable fly, one arm atta time
35lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
45lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Close grip flat barbell
205lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
205lbs for 1 set, 8 reps (failed)

70lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
80lbs for 1 set, 12 reps

Treadmill 20min

Yeah, I ditched the 4x4 routine. Not cuz I didnt like it, it was just maybe 4 weeks in a row(?)

Incline was harder than I thought. Not sure why really. And it pisses me off to be honest.
Standing Dumbells fucked me again. This exercise is oddly hard. I mean, I can do seated dumbell press with over 100% more in EACH hand than when I do this standing. Ill prolly increase weight though, after I read Cowpimps info again.
Flies were ok. Gonna go up 5lbs next time.
The cable workout I did was the same one I did before a couple weeks back, only I threw out the side raises cuz of the incline barbell workout. These shouldnt belong in Push days really. I might incorporate them IN Pulls.
Close grip bench was a bitch too. Mustve been fatigued. I fucking hope.
Pushdowns were easy. I was distracted by pussy like a motherfucker.
Pissed off with those other shrugs? Try these-- they seem to work.



I was gonna do the Leg Press first this time, but fuck it.

185lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps (warm up completed)
300lbs for 3 sets, 8 reps

275lbs for 3 sets, 8 reps

Hammer Strength Unilateral Leg Press
3 plates on each leg for 1 set, 10 reps
3 plates and a 25lb on each leg for 2 sets, 10 reps

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
225lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Smith Machine Calf raises
2 plates for 4 sets, 10 reps

Ball Crunch
2 sets of 15 reps

Static Stretched, low back, hams, quads....SHIT forgot calves.

My legs were shaking while pissing in the urinal after my workout..

I wanted to do Leg Press first, but I wouldnt know how to setup the volume for a squat after a heavy leg Press. Plus, I cant stand putting on all that fucking weight, where with a barbell free-weight squat, a few plates is all I need.

Anyway, Barbell Squats went down this week and the reps went up. Quite a burn. I dont know which I like more. I think I will do 4 sets again but witha 6 reps scheme.
Deadlifts were pretty good. Got some good form down and focused on NOT irritated my back. Still hurts, but not any worse. So, I thin if I do go up, it will be very minimal.
This Hammer strength machine...I had doubts, but DAMN. My legs burned so bad afterwards. Worse than squats.
This was the FIRST time I tried Stiff Legged Deads. I kept the weight down and I felt the burn in my hams around the 8th rep. This was a good weight. Ill go up 5 lbs next time. Maybe 5 on each side...yea that sounds better.
My shin splints were irritated this week, so only 1 exercise for calves, which I dont like. They are clearly lagging, but I dont want any more pain than I need.
Crunches were basic until the 3rd set NOT lsited. I cramped up and WOW did it hurt. I am going to write a thread in training about it, it was that bad.
Pull day

Body Weight, wide grip pull ups
2 sets of 12 reps

Wide grip Pull ups
25lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
same weight for 1 set, 8 reps
same weight for 1 set, 7 reps

Dumbell Bent over row
85lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
95lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Neutral grip pulldown
160lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
170lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

T-bar row
2 plates, a 10, a 25 for 3 sets, 10 reps

Preacher curl
30lbs for 1 set, 10 reps each hand
30lbs for 1 set, 8 reps (failed at 8, forced last 2) each hand

Reverse cambered bar curl
40lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

155lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Shrug into hammer curl
25lbs for 1 set, went to failure, 2 shrugs to every curl

Pinch Grip
45lbs kept switching hands until failure

15mins on elliptical

Today everything was new instead of the pullups.
Pullups are getting boring. Gonna have to change grips or something. No strength increasments.
Bent over rows were done along the dumbell rack, then to a bench. I liked the rack angle better than the bench angle. I havent done these in years, so yes, I had to search for the weight again. Ill go up to 100lbs next time.
These pulldowns were done with a weight that enabled me to 'feel' the workout. Nice shit. So was the piece of ass that I wanted to skull fuck who worked out with me. =)
T-bar rows sucked. Just cuz the seat sucks. Not sure if Ill use the particuliar one next time.
Preacher curls were same as always. I was fatigued at this point.
Reverse curls were a switch. Light weight but hard to rep. Hence the 10 reps instead of 12.
The Hise Shrugs were from reccomendation and wow. I still feel it. MIght be cuz of the bar though.
Threw in one more curl with light shrugs just for shits and giggles. Had energy I wanted to expend.
Pinch grip has gotten better. I wish I had 55lbs laying around. Maybe Ill do the towel pullup scheme.
Back to Push

Decline Barbell Press
185lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
225lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
275lbs for 1 set, 8 reps (warm up completed)
315lbs for 2 sets, 6 reps
315lbs for 1 set, 5 reps (failed on 6th)

Smith-Machine Seated Barbell Military
1 plate and a 25 for 3 sets, 6 reps


Decline Dumbell Fly
50lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Dumbell Scaptions
30lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps (both arms at the same time)

Skull Crushers
52lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
62lbs for 1 set, 12 reps

Straight bar cable pushdown
120lbs for 1 set, 9 reps
110lbs for 1 set, 9 reps


Today was good, considering.

The decline had extra warm up sets cuz last time i did this, my shoulder hurt. No pain this time. Nice weight. Didnt finish it, so well have to do it again.
The smith machine, I didnt like so much. It was hard and the bar wasnt like that weightless bar some smith machines have. In other words, you couldnt press it up with just your fingers, I think this bitch weighs as much as a regular bar, its just on a straight axis. Anyway, I felt like I was sliding it up along its track rather than a straight up press. The gym I was at doesnt have seated military equipment. I dont know. Ill have to do something else.

This is when I remmebered I wanted to do 4 sets of 6 reps of a given weight for my two strong presses in the beginning. God dammit.

Decline flies were TOUGH. Ill try going up 5lbs.
Scaptions were fun as always. If youve noticed, ive kicked out posterior deltoid work. I think they get worked on pull days during rows and such. I dont know, ill have to ask around on here.
Skullcrushers were at first done with a bar that hurt my wrists. So I switched, then upped the weight. In case you are wondering why I have a number not divisible by 5, its cuz I weighed the bar. It weighs 17lbs.
Pushdowns were hard too. I thought I went too heavy on the first set, so I went down. Still couldnt make it to 10 reps. Eh well.

185lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps (warm up)
285lbs for 4 sets, 6 reps

305lbs for 2 sets, 4 reps
305lbs for 2 sets, 6 reps

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
235lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Leg Press (it said Squat Press)
2 plates on each side for 1 set, 15 reps
3 plates on each side for 2 sets, 12 reps

Static Stretched low back, quads, FORGOT hams

Pron Iso-ab (planks)
2 sets, then 2 more with hip abduction

3 sets of 12 reps

Seated Calf raise
1 plate on each side for 2 sets, 12 reps
1 plate and a 10 on each side for 2 sets, 10 reps

Today sucked. I tried doing Deadlifts BEFORE squats for variation. Well, deadlifts were good, but squats suffered BIG time. The first 2 sets were awkward as hell. I didnt warm up my quads which could be the problem, but this didnt occur when deadlifts followed squats. Anyway that would explain the odd reps.
Stiff legged went up 5lbs as promised. I wanna stay with this weight for the time being since my back is acting weird.
The leg press was done rather quickly. Good burn though.
The streches were need to eleviate some back soreness and such. Worked wonderfully.
Did some core workouts then crunches. I dont know if I used proper form, but I took my time and was careful about feeling that 'cramping' that would come upon me. I was successful.
Seated calfs were done before standing, but I just said fuck it and left. I was so pissed at my previous squat/deadlift shit, that I had to leave.
And back to Pull

Yates Rows
135lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
155lbs for 1 set, 12 reps (warm up)
225lbs for 1 set, 6 reps
235lbs for 3 sets, 6 reps

Hammer Strength Unilateral Row, Neutral grip
3 plates on each side for 3 sets, 10 reps each arm

Hammer Strength Iso-Pulldown
3 plates on each side for 4 sets, 6 reps both arms

Some sort of Cable Pull down One arm at a time
120lbs for 3 sets, 10 reps

Hise Shrugs
135lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
155lbs for 1 set, 12 reps
175lbs for 1 set, 12 reps

Dumbell Shrug
90lbs for 2 sets, 12 reps

Drag Curl
70lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
80lbs for 1 set, 7 reps
80lbs for 1 set, 6 reps (failed)

Cable curl, one arm at a time
30lbs for 1 set, 10 reps
40lbs for 2 sets, 10 reps

Notice something? I took out pullups.
I decided to do some heavy Yates and it was fun. But on the 3rd set, I didnt feel anything anymore.
Hammer Strength brought that feeling back. Nothing to report.
This was the first time I did heavy on a hammer strength pull down with both arms. Not bad. Full stretch. Only way to go.
This other machine has cables and is actually kinda nice. The arms of the machine are farther apart than a hammer strength. This machine was JUST for lats, but I dont know if I liked it.
Hise Shrugs struck again with success. But...this is a push exercise, no? (ooooooh)
Dumbell shrugs were called in for a pull to counter the previous push. Not a bad way to attack the traps.
First time I ever tried the drag curls. Not bad. The range of motion is kinda shortened though. You cannot go all the way up. Ill do these again.
Cable curls were boring as predicted. I just wanted to do something more different from the drag curls. Eh.